Hollywood Writers Negotiations Still at a Standstill. Strike Continues

Hollywood Writers Negotiations Still at a Standstill. Strike Continues

The 3-months long strike between Hollywood screenwriters and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers is set to continue. 

Since the strike, the meeting between the Writers Guild of America and negotiators for Hollywood’s biggest studios was the most anticipated and people hoped that it would produce positive results. 

However, the scheduled meeting on Friday ended in a stalemate, as both parties could not come to any resolution. 

According to corresponding reports, the two sides met Friday for about an hour, but the WGA stood firm on its expectations regarding “minimum staffing levels in episodic TV and a guaranteed minimum number of weeks of employment. 

The AMPTP is willing to increase its offer on a few writer-specific TV minimums and [is] willing to talk about AI, but they are not considering the main issues the WGA is presenting. 

Although the meeting is important, Hollywood productions would not start immediately, should both parties come to a positive conclusion. 

The SAG-AFTRA strike that kicked off last month means that all actors are staying away from work. So, Hollywood production would only start when the actors get their talks.

The National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland said:

“We have not heard from the AMPTP since July 12 when they told us they would not be willing to continue talks for quite some time.”

LA Mayor Karen Bass, put out a statement on Friday offering to “personally engage” with both sides to bring the strike to an end, and described the news coming out of the meeting as “an encouraging development.”

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