FBI Seizes Eric Adams’s Phones, iPad As 2021 Campaign Fundraising Investigation Proceeds


The New York Times reported Friday afternoon that Federal Bureau of probe agents had taken at least two cell phones and an iPad from New York Mayor Eric Adams early last week, marking a significant step up in their criminal probe into the mayor’s successful 2021 campaign.

Investigating whether the Adams campaign colluded with the Turkish government to obtain illicit donations through a Brooklyn-based construction company, the probe came to light earlier this month when FBI agents raided the Crown Heights apartment of Brianna Suggs, the campaign’s chief fund-raiser and former intern for Adams. According to the search warrant obtained by the Times, the agents confiscated seven “contribution card binders,” two laptops, three iPhones, a manila folder labeled “Eric Adams,” and other tangible materials.

Boyd Johnson, Adams’s attorney, said in a statement on Friday that the mayor was working with the FBI and had “proactively reported” at least one instance of inappropriate behavior. Whether the claimed behavior was connected to the FBI seizing Adams’ devices was not made clear in the statement. According to Johnson, Adams “immediately complied with the FBI’s request and provided them with electronic devices” and has not been charged with any crimes.

“As a former law enforcement officer, I expect all members of my staff to follow the law and fully cooperate with any sort of investigation— and I will continue to do exactly that,” the mayor stated in his statement. Adams went on to say that he had nothing to conceal.

A source who spoke with the NYT claims that following an incident early last week, FBI agents entered Adams’s SUV and carried out the search order. After a few days, the mayor received her cell phones and iPad back, but investigators were legally allowed to copy any data on the confiscated devices.

On Wednesday, Adams declared he would be “shocked” if anyone on his campaign had done anything improper, two days after the FBI had taken his devices and two days before the seizure was made public. I can’t even begin to express how much I remind my staff at the beginning of the day that we must obey the law. I have to obey the law,” Adams stated. “Almost to the point where I’m bothersome.”

Reporters inquired about the mayor’s communication with investigators after the search of Suggs’ apartment, and Lisa Zornberg, an additional Adams attorney, gave a prepared response. Zornberg said to reporters, “Yes, of course we are.” “We have been in communication, and the mayor has promised his cooperation.” Zornberg omitted to bring up the FBI investigation.

At the press conference on Wednesday, Adams stated that he had only had one meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, during which they had “exchanged pleasantries” at an event while Adams was the borough president of Brooklyn.

However, Adams has made multiple trips to Turkey; just last month, he boasted, “I think I’m the only mayor in this city’s history that has not only visited Turkey once, but on my sixth or seventh visit.” Some of those visits were apparently funded by Turkish entities.

Just prior to the FBI seizure being public on Friday, reporter Katie Honan of The City questioned Adams over initial rumors that he would be up against multiple major opponents in 2025 during this probe. “Answer carefully before you become hateful,” Adams said.

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