“I Want To Own You,” Giuliani Says To Former Staff In Audio Transcripts Filed In New York lawsuit


Rudy Giuliani is shown making lewd comments to a former employee in audio transcripts that were submitted to a New York court as part of her lawsuit against him. He is also heard making lewd statements about Jewish males and actor Matt Damon.

The former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, is being sued by Noelle Dunphy, a former employee, who accuses him of “sexual assault and harassment, wage theft, and other misconduct.” Giuliani also worked as an attorney and consultant to former President Donald Trump. She is asking for $10 million in compensation. On Tuesday, the audio recording transcripts were sent to the New York County Supreme Court.

The records of one conversation between Giuliani and Dunphy show that he remarked, “I want to own you, officially.” In another, he declared, “I’m gonna make it a little painful.”

The transcripts also mention Giuliani allegedly making repeated remarks regarding Dunphy’s chest size, which were followed by the following conversation:

MR. GIULIANI: These breasts belong to me. Nobody else can get near these, okay? I  don’t care if they’re flirting or they give you business cards. These are mine, you got it?
MR. GIULIANI: Understand? I’m very f****ng possessive. I’ve gone easy on you.
MS. DUNPHY: I don’t know.
MR. GIULIANI: I’ve been easy on you.
MS. DUNPHY: You’re pretty tough on me.
MR. GIULIANI: I’ve been easy on you. Give them to me.

Giuliani also talked about his “tremendous attraction” to Dunphy, and says: “I’d never think about a girl being smart. If you told me a girl was smart, I would often think she’s not attractive,” according to the transcripts.

The transcripts also include Giuliani apparently venting about the Jewish holiday of Passover. “They want to go through that freaking Passover all the time,” he said. “Get over the Passover. It was like 3,000 years ago. Okay, the Red Sea parted. Big deal. Not the first time that happened.”

Elsewhere, according to the transcript, he’s recorded as saying: “Jewish men have small [sex organs] because they can’t use them after they get married. Whereas the Italian men use them all their lives so they get bigger.”

Giuliani commented, “Ain’t too many,” when discussing Republican celebrities with Dunphy. Not Brad Pitt, but Brad. the other person who resembles him.

When Dunphy brought up Matt Damon, Guiliani replied: “No, Matt Damon is a — Matt Damon is a f**. Matt Damon is also 5’2. Eyes are blue. Coochie-coochie-coochie-coo.”

Ted Goodman, a political adviser to Giuliani, disputed Dunphy’s allegations in the lawsuit. In a statement Thursday, he said: “This was a consensual relationship. Ms. Dunphy has a documented history of making harassment claims against men for the purpose of making money, which has been reported in-part by the New York Post. Ms. Dunphy’s history of this sort of behavior is well documented and available through public records.”

“It’s disappointing to see some so-called ‘journalists’ stoop so low with these smears and attacks against a man who has dedicated his life to serving others,” Goodman said.

Dunphy, who was employed by Giuliani in January 2019 to work on the business development side of his company, submitted the initial 70-page complaint in May.

“He made clear that satisfying his sexual demands —which came virtually anytime, anywhere— was an absolute requirement of her employment and of his legal representation,” the complaint reads.

It also says that he demanded “that she work naked, in a bikini, or in short shorts with an American flag on them that he bought for her.”In a statement at the time, a spokesperson for Giuliani said he “unequivocally denies the allegations raised by Ms. Dunphy.”

“Mayor Giuliani’s lifetime of public service speaks for itself and he will pursue all available remedies and counterclaims,” Goodman said in that statement.

An attorney for Dunphy, Justin Kelton, said in a statement to CBS News that “Mr. Giuliani is not the first powerful man accused of sexual abuse towards subordinates who attempts to smear his accuser in a discredited game of blame the victim.”

“He will have to answer to materials and recorded statements that will be presented at trial,” Kelton added.

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